
Collaborative Process

The Collaborative Process involves an agreement between divorcing parties to resolve their dissolution with good-faith negotiations rather than fighting it out in court. While this method is similar to mediation, lawyers manage the process and an outside mediator is not involved.

Family Law Mediation

As family law issues are often stressful and very personal, family law mediators help clients clearly and effectively communicate to resolve familial disagreements including divorce, child support, property division, etc.

Business Law Mediation

Mediation in business law offers opportunities to settle disputes regarding contracts, transactions, trademarks, and more outside of the court system. This alternative dispute resolution method provides flexibility and efficiency in solving business conflicts.

Business Dispute Mediation

Businesses can utilize mediation when an internal dispute arises. This business law sector can include intrafamily conflicts, occurring when family members who own a business together encounter a dispute or when a parent who owns a company passes and leaves the business to their children to manage without direction.

Employment Law Mediation

For conflicts between an employer and a single employee, such as discrimination or wage disputes, mediation is a beneficial, cost-effective alternative to litigation, providing both parties with a safe and neutral space to navigate toward a satisfactory resolution.

Labor/Management Dispute Mediation

When disputes arise between an employer and a group of employees, mediation helps support relations between labor and management and ensures each party’s core interests are heard and addressed.